The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Read online

Page 7

  Messer Forese da Rabatte, _and Maister_ Giotto, _a Painter by hisprofession, comming together from_ Mugello, _scornfully reprehended oneanother for their deformity of body._

  The Fift Novell.

  _Whereby may bee observed, that such as will speake contemptibly ofothers, ought (first of all) to looke respectively on their owneimperfections._

  So soone as Madame _Neiphila_ sate silent (the Ladies having greatlycommended the pleasant answer of _Chichibio_) _Pamphilus_, by commandfrom the Queene, spake in this manner. Woorthy Ladies, it commeth topasse oftentimes, that like as Fortune is observed divers wayes, tohide under vile and contemptible Arts, the most great and unvalewabletreasures of vertue (as, not long since, was well discoursed unto usby Madam _Pampinea_:) so in like manner hath appeared; that Naturehath infused very singular spirits into most misshapen and deformedbodies of men. As hath beene noted in two of our owne Citizens, ofwhom I purpose to speake in fewe words. The one of them was named_Messer Forese de Rabatte_, a man of little and low person, but yetdeformed in body, with a flat face, like a Terrier or Beagle, as if nocomparison (almost) could bee made more ugly. But notwithstanding allthis deformity, he was so singularly experienced in the Lawes, that allmen held him beyond any equall, or rather reputed him as a Treasury ofcivill knowledge.

  The other man, being named _Giotto_, had a spirit of so greatexcellency, as there was not any particular thing in Nature, theMother and Worke-mistresse of all, by continuall motion of theheavens; but hee by his pen and pensell could perfectly portrait;shaping them all so truly alike and resemblable, that they were takenfor the reall matters indeede; and, whether they were present or no,there was hardly any possibility of their distinguishing. So thatmany times it happened, that by the variable devises he made, thevisible sence of men became deceived, in crediting those things to benaturall, which were but meerly painted. By which meanes, hee reducedthat singular Art to light, which long time before had lyen buried,under the grosse error of some; who, in the mysterie of painting,delighted more to content the ignorant, then to please the judiciousunderstanding of the wise, he justly deserving thereby, to be tearmedone of the _Florentines_ most glorious lights. And so much the rather,because he performed all his actions, in the true and lowly spirit ofhumility: for while he lived, and was a Master in his Art, above allother Painters: yet he refused any such title, which shined the moremajestically in him, as appeared by such, who knew much lesse then he,or his Schollers either: yet his knowledge was extreamly coveted amongthem.

  Now, notwithstanding all this admirable excellency in him: he was not(thereby) a jot the handsommer man (either in person or countenance)then was our fore-named Lawyer _Messer Forese_, and therefore myNovell concerneth them both. Understand then, (faire Assemblie) thatthe possessions and inheritances of _Messer Forese_ and _Giotto_, layin _Mugello_; wherefore, when Holy-dayes were celebrated by Orderof Court, and in the Sommer time, upon the admittance of so apt avacation; _Forese_ rode thither upon a very unsightly Jade, such as aman can can seldome meet with worse. The like did _Giotto_ the Painter,as ill fitted every way as the other; and having dispatched theirbusines there, they both returned backe towards _Florence_, neither ofthem being able to boast, which was the best mounted.

  Riding on a faire and softly pace, because their Horses could goeno faster: and they being well entred into yeeres, it fortuned (asoftentimes the like befalleth in Sommer) that a sodaine showre of raineover-tooke them; for avoyding whereof, they made all possible hasteto a poore Countrey-mans Cottage, familiarly knowne to them both.Having continued there an indifferent while, and the raine unlikely tocease: to prevent all further protraction of time, and to arrive at_Florence_ in due season: they borrowed two old cloakes of the pooreman, of over-worn and ragged Country gray, as also two hoodes of thelike Complexion, (because the poore man had no better) which did moremishape them, then their owne ugly deformity, and made them notoriouslyflouted and scorned, by all that met or overtooke them.

  After they had ridden some distance of ground, much moyled and bemyredwith their shuffling Jades, flinging the dirt every way about them,that well they might be termed two filthy companions: the raine gaveover, and the evening looking somwhat cleare, they began to conferfamiliarly together. _Messer Forese_, riding a lofty _French_ trot,everie step being ready to hoise him out of his saddle, hearing_Giottos_ discreete answers to every ydle question he made (for indeedehe was a very elegant speaker) began to peruse and surveigh him, evenfrom the foote to the head, as we use to say. And perceiving him tobe so greatly deformed, as no man could be worse, in his opinion:without any consideration of his owne misshaping as bad, or rather moreunsightly then hee; in a scoffing laughing humour, hee saide. _Giotto_,doest thou imagine, that a stranger, who had never seene thee before,and should now happen into our companie, would beleeve thee to bee thebest Painter in the world, as indeede thou art? Presently _Giotto_(without any further meditation) returned him this answere. Signior_Forese_, I think he might then beleeve it, when (beholding you) heecould imagine that you had learned your A. B. C. Which when _Forese_heard, he knew his owne error, and saw his payment returned in suchCoine, as he sold his Wares for.