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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Page 6
The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Read online
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_Abraham a Jew, being admonished or advised by a friend of his, namedJehannot de Chevigny, travailed from Paris unto Rome: And beholdingthere the wicked behaviour of men in the Church, returned backe toParis again, where yet (neverthelesse) he became a Christian._
The Second Novell.
_Wherein is contained and expressed, the liberality and goodnesse ofGod, extended to the Christian Faith._
The Novell recited by _Pamphilus_ was highly pleasing to the company,and much commended by the Ladies: and after it had beene diligentlyobserved among them, the Queen commanded Madam _Neiphila_ (who wasseated neerest to _Pamphilus_) that, in relating another of hers, sheshould follow on in the pastime thus begun. She being no lesse graciousin countenance, then merrily disposed; made answer, that shee wouldobey her charge, and began in this manner.
_Pamphilus_ hath declared to us by his Tale, how the goodnesse ofGod regardeth not our errors, when they proceede from things whichwee cannot discerne. And I intend to approove by mine, what argumentof infallible truth, the same benignity delivereth of it selfe, byenduring patiently the faults of them, that (both in word and worke)should declare unfaigned testimony of such gracious goodnesse, and notto live so dissolutely as they doe. To the end, that others illuminedby their light of life, may beleeve with the stronger constancy ofminde.
As I have heeretofore heard (Gracious Ladies) there lived a wealthyMarchant in _Paris_, being a Mercer, or seller of Silkes, named_Jehannot de Chevigny_, a man of faithful, honest, and uprightdealing; who held great affection and friendship with a very rich Jew,named _Abraham_, that was a Merchant also, and a man of very directconversation. _Jehannot_ well noting the honesty and loyall dealing ofthis Jew, began to have a Religious kind of compassion in his soule,much pittying, that a man so good in behaviour, so wise and discreetein all his actions, should be in danger of perdition thorow want ofFaith. In which regard, lovingly he began to entreate him, that hewould leave the errors of his Jewish beleefe, and follow the truth ofChristianity, which he evidently saw (as being good and holy) daily toprosper and enlarge it selfe, whereas (on the contrary) his professiondecreased, and grew to nothing.
The Jew made answer, that he beleeved nothing to be so good & holy, asthe Jewish Religion, and having beene borne therein, therein also hepurposed to live and dye, no matter whatsoever, being able to removehim from that resolution. For all this stiffe deniall, _Jehannot_ wouldnot so give him over; but pursued him still day by day, reitteratingcontinually his former speeches to him: delivering infinite excellentand pregnant reasons, that Merchants themselves were not ignorant, howfarre the Christian faith excelled the Jewish falshoods. And albeit theJew was a very learned man in his owne law, yet notwithstanding, theintire amity hee bare to _Jehannot_, or (perhaps) his words fortifiedby the blessed Spirit, were so prevalent with him: that the Jew felta pleasing apprehension in them, though his obstinacie stood (as yet)farre off from conversion. But as hee thus continued strong in opinion,so _Jehannot_ left not hourely to labour him: in so much that the Jew,being conquered by such earnest and continuall importunity, one dayspake to _Jehannot_ thus.
My worthy friend _Jehannot_, thou art extremely desirous, that I shouldconvert to Christianity, and I am well contended to doe it, onely uponthis condition. That first I will journey to Rome, to see him (whomthou sayest) is Gods generall vicar here on earth, and to consider onthe course of his life and manners, and likewise of his Colledge ofCardinals. If he and they doe appeare such men to me, as thy speechesaffirmes them to be, and thereby I may comprehend, that thy faithand Religion is better then mine, as (with no meane paines) thouendeavourest to perswade me: I will become a Christian as thou art, butif I finde it otherwise, I will continue a Jew as I am.
When _Jehannot_ heard these words, he became exceeding sorrowfull,saide within himselfe. I have lost all the paines, which I did thinketo be well imployed, as hoping to have this man converted here: For,if he goe to the Court of Rome, and behold there the wickednes of thePriests lives; farewell all hope in me, of ever seeing him to becomea Christian. But rather, were he already a Christian, without allquestion, he would turne Jew: And so (going neerer to _Abraham_) hesaid. Alas my loving friend, why shouldst thou undertake such a tedioustravell, and so great a charge, as thy journey from hence to Rome willcost thee? Consider, that to a rich man (as thou art) travaile byland or sea is full of infinite dangers. Doest thou not thinke, thathere are Religious men enow, who will gladly bestowe Baptisme uponthee. To me therefore it plainely appeareth, that such a voyage is tono purpose. If thou standest upon any doubt or scruple, concerning thefaith whereto I wish thee; where canst thou desire conference withgreater Doctours, or men more learned in all respects, then this famousCitie doth affoord thee, to resolve thee in any questionable case? Thoumust thinke, that the Prelates are such there, as here thou seest themto be, and yet they must needes be in much better condition at Rome,because they are neere to the principall Pastour. And therefore, ifthou wilt credit my counsell, reserve this journey to some time moreconvenient, when the Jubilee of generall pardon happeneth, and then(perchance) I will beare thee company, and goe along with thee as invowed pilgrimage.
Whereto the Jew replied. I beleeve _Jehannot_, that all which thou hastsaid may be so. But, to make short with thee, I am fully determined(if thou wouldst have me a Christian, as thou instantly urgest me tobe) to goe thither, for otherwise, I will continue as I am. _Jehannot_perceiving his setled purpose, said: Goe then in Gods name. Butperswaded himselfe, that hee would never become a Christian, after heehad once seene the Court of Rome: neverthelesse, he counted his labournot altogether lost, in regard he bestowed it to a good end, and honestintentions are to be commended.
The Jew mounted on horse-backe, and made no lingering in his journeyto Rome, where being arrived, he was very honourably entertained byother Jewes dwelling in Rome. And during the time of his abiding there(without revealing to any one, the reason of his comming thither) veryheedfully he observed, the manner of the Popes life, of the Cardinals,Prelates, and all the Courtiers. And being a man very discreete andjudicious, he apparantly perceived, both by his owne eye, and furtherinformation of friends; that from the highest to the lowest (withoutany restraint, remorse of conscience, shame, or feare of punishment)all sinned in abhominable luxurie, and not naturally onely, but infoule Sodomie, so that the credit of Strumpets and Boyes was not small,and yet might be too easily obtained. Moreover, drunkards, belly-Gods,and servants of the paunch, more then of any thing else (even likebrutish beasts after their luxurie) were every where to be met withall.And, upon further observation, hee saw all men so covetous and greedyof coyne, that every thing was bought and solde for ready money, notonely the blood of men, but (in plaine termes) the faith of Christians,yea, and matters of divinest qualities, how, or to whomsoeverappertaining, were it for sacrifices or benefices, whereof was made nomeane Merchandize, and more Brokers were there to be found (then in_Paris_ attending upon all Trades) of manifest Symonie, under the nicename of Negotiation, and for gluttony, not sustentation: even as if Godhad not knowne the signification of vocables, nor the intentions ofwicked hearts, but would suffer himselfe to be deceived by the outwardnames of things, as wretched men commonly use to doe.
These things, and many more (fitter for silence, then publication)were so deepely displeasing to the Jew, being a most sober and modestman; that he had soone seene enough, resolving on his returne to_Paris_, which very speedily he performed. And when _Jehannot_ heardof his arrivall, crediting much rather other newes from him, then everto see him a converted Christian; he went to welcome him, and kindlythey feasted one another. After some fewe dayes of resting, _Jehannot_demaunded of him; what he thought of our holy father the Pope and hisCardinals, and generally of all the other Courtiers? Whereto the Jewreadily answered; It is strange _Jehannot_, that God should give themso much as he doth. For I will truly tell thee, that if I had beeneable to consider all those things, which there I have both heard andseene: I could then have resolved my selfe, never to have f
ound inany Priest, either sanctity, devotion, good worke, example of honestlife, or any good thing else beside. But if a man desire to see luxury,avarice, gluttony, and such wicked things, yea, worse, if worse may be,and held in generall estimation of all men; let him but goe to _Rome_,which I thinke rather to be the forge of damnable actions, then anyway leaning to grace or goodnesse. And, for ought I could perceive,me thinkes your chiefe Pastour, and (consequently) all the rest ofhis dependants, doe strive so much as they may (with all their enginearte and endeavour) to bring to nothing, or else to banish quite out ofthe world, Christian Religion, whereof they should be the support andfoundation.
But because I perceive, that their wicked intent will never come topasse, but contrariwise, that your faith enlargeth itselfe, shiningevery day much more cleare and splendant: I gather thereby evidently,that the blessed Spirit is the true ground and defence thereof, asbeing more true and holy then any other. In which respect, whereas Istood stiffe and obstinate against the good admonitions, and neverminded to become a Christian: now I freely open my heart unto thee,that nothing in the world can or shall hinder me, but I will be aChristian, as thou art. Let us therefore presently goe to the Church,and there (according to the true custome of your holy faith) helpe meto be baptized.
_Jehannot_, who expected a farre contrary conclusion, then this,hearing him speake it with such constancy; was the very gladdest man inthe world, and went with him to the Church of _Nostre Dame_ in _Paris_,where he requested the Priests there abiding, to bestow baptisme on_Abraham_, which they joyfully did, hearing him so earnestly to desireit. _Jehannot_ was his Godfather, and named him _John_, and afterward,by learned Divines he was more fully instructed in the grounds ofour faith; wherein he grew of greatly understanding, and led a veryvertuous life.