The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Read online

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  _A Knight requested Madam_ Oretta, _to ride behinde him on horse-backe,and promised, to tell her an excellent Tale by the way. But the Ladyperceiving, that his discourse was idle, and much worse delivered:entreated him to let her walke on foote againe._

  The First Novell.

  _Reprehending the folly of such men, as undertake to report discourses,which are beyond their wit and capacity, and gaine nothing but blamefor their labour._

  Gracious Ladies, like as in our faire, cleere, and serene seasons, theStarres are bright ornaments to the heavens, and the flowry fields(so long as the spring time lasteth) weare their goodliest Liveries,the Trees likewise bragging in their best adornings: Even so atfriendly meetings, short, sweet, and sententious words, are the beauty& ornament of any discourse, savouring of wit and sound judgement,worthily deserving to be commended. And so much the rather, becausein few and witty words, aptly suting with the time and occasion,more is delivered then was expected, or sooner answered, then rashlyapprehended: which, as they become men verie highly, yet do they shewmore singular in women.

  True it is, what the occasion may be, I know not, either by thebadnesse of our wittes, or the especiall enmitie betweene ourcomplexions and the celestiall bodies: there are scarsely any, or veryfew Women to be found among us, that well knowes how to deliver a word,when it should and ought to be spoken; or, if a question bee mooved,understands to suite it with an apt answere, such as conveniently isrequired, which is no meane disgrace to us women. But in regard, thatMadame _Pampinea_ hath already spoken sufficiently of this matter, Imeane not to presse it any further: but at this time it shall satisfiemee, to let you know, how wittily a Ladie made due observation ofopportunitie, in answering of a Knight, whose talke seemed tedious andoffensive to her.

  No doubt there are some among you, who either do know, or (at theleast) have heard, that it is no long time since, when there dwelta Gentlewoman in our Citie, of excellent grace and good discourse,with all other rich endowments of Nature remaining in her, as pittyit were to conceale her name: and therefore let me tell ye, that sheewas called Madame _Oretta_, the Wife to Signior _Geri Spina_. Shebeing upon some occasion (as now we are) in the Countrey, and passingfrom place to place (by way of neighbourly invitations) to visite herloving Friends and Acquaintance, accompanied with divers Knights andGentlewomen, who on the day before had dined and supt at her house,as now (belike) the selfe-same courtesie was intended to her: walkingalong with her company upon the way; and the place for her welcomebeeing further off then she expected: a Knight chanced to overtakethis faire troop, who well knowing Madam _Oretta_, using a kinde andcourteous salutation, spake thus unto her.

  Madam, this foot travell may bee offensive to you, and were you sowell pleased as my selfe, I would ease your journey behinde mee on myGelding, even so farre as you shall command me: and beside, will shortenyour wearinesse with a Tale worth the hearing. Courteous Sir (replyedthe Lady) I embrace your kinde offer with such acceptation, that I prayyou to performe it; for therein you shall doe me an especiall favour.The Knight, whose Sword (perhappes) was as unsuteable to his side,as his wit out of fashion for any readie discourse, having the Ladymounted behinde him: rode on with a gentle pace, and (according to hispromise) began to tell a Tale, which indeede (of it selfe) deservedattention, because it was a knowne and commendable History, but yetdelivered so abruptly, with idle repetitions of some particulars threeor foure severall times, mistaking one thing for another, and wanderingerroneously from the essentiall subject, seeming neere an end, and thenbeginning againe: that a poore Tale could not possibly be more mangled,or worse tortured in telling, then this was; for the persons thereinconcerned, were so abusively nicke-named, their actions and speeches somonstrously misshapen,** that nothing could appeare to be more ugly.

  Madame _Oretta_, being a Lady of unequalled ingenuitie, admirable injudgement, and most delicate in her speech, was afflicted in soule,beyond all measure; overcome with many colde sweates, and passionateheart-aking qualmes, to see a Foole thus in a Pinne-fold, and unableto get out, albeit the doore stood wide open to him, whereby sheebecame so sicke; that, converting her distaste to a kinde of pleasingacceptation, merrily thus she spake. Beleeve me Sir, your horse trotsso hard, & travels so uneasily; that I entreate you to let me walke onfoot againe.

  The Knight, being (perchance) a better understander, then a Discourser;perceived by this witty taunt, that his Bowle had run a contrarie bias,and he as farre out of Tune, as he was from the Towne. So, lingeringthe time, untill her company was neerer arrived: hee lefte her withthem, and rode on as his Wisedome could best direct him.