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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Page 17
The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) Read online
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_Rinaldo de Este, after he was robbed by Theeves, arrived at ChasteauGuillaume, where he was friendly lodged by a faire widdow, andrecompenced likewise for all his losses; returning afterward safe andwell home into his owne house._
The second Novell.
_Whereby wee may learne, that such things as sometime seeme hurtfull tous, may turne to our benefit and commodity._
Much merriment was among the Ladies, hearing this Tale of _Martellinos_misfortunes, so familiarly reported by Madam _Neiphila_, and of themen, it was best respected by _Philostratus_, who sitting neerestunto _Neiphila_, the Queene commanded his Tale to be the next, whenpresently he began to speake thus.
Gracious Ladies, I am to speake of universall occasions, mingled withsome misfortunes in part, and partly with matters leaning to love: asmany times may happen to such people, that trace the dangerous pathesof amorous desires, or have not learned perfectly, to say S. _Julianspater noster_, having good beds of their owne, yet (casually) meetewith worser lodging.
In the time of _Azzo_, Marquesse of _Ferrara_, there was a Marchantnamed _Rinaldo de Este_, who being one day at _Bologna_, about someespeciall businesse of his owne; his occasions there ended, and ridingfrom thence towards _Verona_, he fell in company with other Horsemen,seeming to be Merchants like himselfe; but indeede were Theeves, menof most badde life and conversation; yet he having no such mistrust ofthem, rode on, conferring with them very familiarly. They perceivinghim to be a Merchant, and likely to have some store of money abouthim, concluded betweene themselves to rob him, so soone as they foundapt place and opportunity. But because he should conceive no suchsuspition, they rode on like modest men, talking honestly & friendlywith him, of good parts and disposition appearing in him, offering himall humble and gracious service, accounting themselves happy by hiscompanie, as hee returned the same courtesie to them, because he wasalone, and but one servant with him.
Falling from one discourse to another, they began to talke of suchprayers, as men (in journey) use to salute God withall; and one of theTheeves (they being three in number), spake thus to _Rinaldo_. Sir, letit be no offence to you, that I desire to know, what prayer you mostuse when thus you travell on the way? Whereto _Rinaldo_ replyed in thismanner. To tell you true Sir, I am a man grosse enough in such Divinematters, as medling more with Marchandize, then I do with Bookes.Neverthelesse, at all times when I am thus in journey, in the morningbefore I depart my Chamber, I say a _Pater noster_ and an _Ave Maria_,for the souls of the father and mother of Saint _Julian_, and afterthat, I pray God and S. _Julian_ to send me a good lodging at night.And let me tell you Sir, that very oftentimes heeretofore, I have metwith many great dangers upon the way, from all which I still escaped,and evermore (when night drewe on) I came to an exceeding good Lodging.Which makes mee firmely beleeve, that Saint _Julian_ (in honour of whomI speake it) hath begd of God such great grace for me; and mee thinkes,that if any day I should faile of this prayer in the morning: I cannottravaile securely, nor come to a good lodging. No doubt then Sir (quoththe other) but you have saide that prayer this morning? I would be sorryelse, saide _Rinaldo_, such an especiall matter is not to be neglected.
He and the rest, who had already determined how to handle him beforethey parted, saide within themselves: Looke thou hast said thy praier,for when we have thy money, Saint _Julian_ and thou shift for thylodging. Afterward, the same man thus againe conferd with him. As youSir, so I have ridden many journies, and yet I never used any suchpraier, although I have heard it very much commended, and my lodginghath prooved never the worser. Perhaps this verie night will thereinresolve us both, whether of us two shall be the best lodged; you thathave sayde the prayer, or I that never used it at all. But I mustnot deny, that in sted thereof, I have made use of some verses, as_Dirupisti_, or the _Jutemerata_, or _Deprofundis_, which are (as myGrandmother hath often told mee) of very great vertue and efficacy.
Continuing thus in talke of divers things, winning way, and beguilingthe time, still waiting when their purpose should sort to effect: itfortuned, that the Theeves seeing they were come neere to a Towne,called _Casteau Guillaume_, by the foord of a River, the houre somewhatlate, the place solitarie, and thickely shaded with trees, they madetheir assault; and having robd him, left him there on foote, striptinto his shirt, saying to him. Goe now and see, whether thy Saint_Julian_ will allow thee this night a good lodging, or no, for ourowne we are sufficiently provided; so passing the River, away theyrode. _Rinaldoes_ servant, seeing his Master so sharply assayled, likea wicked villaine, would not assist him in any sort: but giving hishorse the spurres, never left gallowping, untill hee came to _ChasteauGuillaume_, where hee entred upon the point of night, providinghimselfe of a lodging, but not caring what became of his Master.
_Rinaldo_ remaining there in his shirt, bare-foote and bare-legged,the weather extremely colde, and snowing incessantly, not knowing whatto doe, darke night drawing on, and looking round about him, for someplace where to abide that night, to the end he might not dye withcolde: he found no helpe at all there for him, in regard that (no longwhile before) the late warre had burnt and wasted all, and not so muchas the least Cottage left. Compelled by the coldes violence, his teethquaking, and all his body trembling, hee trotted on towards _ChasteauGuillaume_, not knowing, whether his man was gone thither or no, or towhat place else: but perswaded himselfe, that if he could get entrance,there was no feare of finding succour. But before he came within halfea mile of the Towne, the night grew extreamely darke, and arrivingthere so late, hee found the gates fast lockt, and the Bridges drawneup, so that no entrance might be admitted.
Grieving greatly hereat, and being much discomforted, rufully hee wentspying about the walls, for some place wherein to shrowd himselfe, atleast, to keepe the snow from falling upon him. By good hap, hee espiedan house upon the wall of the Towne, which had a terrace jutting out asa penthouse, under which he purposed to stand all the night, and thento get him gone in the morning. At length, hee found a doore in thewall, but very fast shut, and some small store of strawe lying by it,which he gathered together, and sitting downe thereon very pensively;made many sad complaints to Saint _Julian_, saying: This was notaccording to the trust he reposed in her. But Saint _Julian_, takingcompassion upon him, without any over-long tarying; provided him of agood lodging, as you shall heare how.
In this towne of _Chasteau Guillaume_, lived a young Lady, who was awiddow, so beautifull and comely of her person, as sildome was seene amore lovely creature. The Marquesse _Azzo_ most dearely affected her,and (as his choysest Jewell of delight) gave her that house to live in,under the terrace whereof poore _Rinaldo_ made his shelter. It chauncedthe day before, that the Marquesse was come thither, according to hisfrequent custome, to weare away that night in her company, she havingsecretly prepared a Bath for him, and a costly supper beside. Allthings being ready, and nothing wanting but the Marquesse his presence:suddenly a Post brought him such Letters, which commanded him instantlyto horsebacke, and word hee sent to the Lady, to spare him for thatnight, because urgent occasions called him thence, and hee rode awayimmediately.
Much discontented was the Lady at this unexpected accident, and notknowing now how to spend the time, resolved to use the Bath which heehad made for the Marquesse, and (after supper) betake her selfe torest, and so she entred into the Bath. Close to the doore where poore_Rinaldo_ sate, stoode the Bath, by which meanes, shee being therein,heard all his quivering moanes, and complaints, seeming to be such,as the Swanne singing before her death: whereupon, shee called herChamber-maide, saying to her. Goe up above, and looke over the terraceon the wall downe to this doore, and see who is there, and what heedoth. The Chamber-maide went up aloft, and by a little glimmering inthe ayre, she saw a man sitting in his shirt, bare on feete and legges,trembling in manner before rehearsed. Shee demaunding, of whence, andwhat hee was; _Rinaldoes_ teeth so trembled in his head, as very hardlycould hee forme any words, but (so well as he could) tolde her what heewas, and how hee came thither: most pittifully entr
eating her, that ifshee could affoord him any helpe, not to suffer him starve there todeath with colde.
The Chamber-maide, being much moved to compassion, returned to herLady, and tolde her all; she likewise pittying his distresse, andremembring shee had the key of that doore, whereby the Marquesse bothentred and returned, when he intended not to be seene of any, saidto her Maide. Goe, and open the doore softly for him; we have a goodsupper, and none to helpe to eate it, and if he be a man likely, we canallow him one nights lodging too. The Chamber-maide, commending herLady for this charitable kindnesse, opened the doore, and seeing heeappeared as halfe frozen, shee said unto him. Make hast good man, getthee into this Bath, which yet is good and warme, for my Lady her selfecame but newly out of it. Whereto very gladly he condiscended, as nottarrying to be bidden twise; finding himselfe so singularly comfortedwith the heate thereof, even as if hee had beene restored from death tolife. Then the Lady sent him garments, which lately were her deceasedhusbands, and fitted him so aptly in all respects, as if purposely theyhad beene made for him.
Attending in further expectation, to know what else the Lady wouldcommaund him; hee began to remember God and Saint _Julian_, hartilythanking her, for delivering him from so bad a night as was threatnedtowards him, and bringing him to so good entertainement. After allthis, the Lady causing a faire fire to be made in the neerest Chamberbeneath, went and sate by it her selfe, demaunding how the honest manfared. Madame, answered the Chamber-maide, now that he is in yourdeceased Lords garments, he appeareth to be a very goodly Gentleman,and (questionlesse) is of respective birth and breeding, well deservingthis gracious favour which you have afforded him. Goe then (quoth theLady) and conduct him hither, to sit by this fire, and sup here withmee, for I feare he hath had but a sorrie supper. When _Rinaldo_ wasentred into the Chamber, and beheld her to be such a beautifull Lady,accounting his fortune to exceede all comparison, hee did her mosthumble reverence, expressing so much thankefulnesse as possibly heecould, for this her extraordinary grace and favour.
The Lady fixing a stedfast eye upon him, well liking his gentlelanguage and behaviour, perceiving also, how fitly her deceasedhusbands apparell was formed to his person, and resembling him in allfamiliar respects, he appeared (in her judgement) farre beyond theChambermaides commendations of him; so praying him to sit downe by herbefore the fire, shee questioned with him, concerning this unhappynights accident befalne him, wherein he fully resolved her, and sheewas the more perswaded, by reason of his servants comming into theTowne before night, assuring him, that he should be found for him earlyin the morning.
Supper being served in to the Table, and hee seated according as theLady commanded, shee began to observe him very considerately; for hewas a goodly man, compleate in all perfections of person, a delicatepleasing countenance, a quicke alluring eye, fixed and constant, notwantonly gadding, in the joviall youthfulnesse of his time, and truesttemper for amorous apprehension; all these were as battering enginesagainst a Bulwarke of no strong resistance, and wrought strangely uponher flexible affections. And though hee fed heartily, as occasionconstrained, yet her thoughts had entertained a new kinde of diet,digested onely by the eye; yet so cunningly concealed, that no motiveto immodesty could be discerned. Her mercy thus extended to him inmisery, drew on (by Table discourse) his birth, education, parents,friends, and alies; his wealthy possessions by Merchandize, and a soundstability in his estate, but above all (and best of all) the single andsole condition of a batcheler; an apt and easie steele to strike fire,especially upon such quicke taking tinder, and in a time favoured byFortune.
No imbarment remained, but remembrance of the Marquesse, and that beingsummond to her more advised consideration, her youth and beauty stoodup as conscious accusers, for blemishing her honour and faire repute,with lewd and luxurious life; farre unfit for a Lady of her degree, andwell worthy of generall condemnation. What should I further say? upon ashort conference with her Chambermaide, repentance for sinne past, andsolemne promise of a constant conversion, thus shee delivered her mindeto _Rinaldo_.
Sir, as you have related your fortunes to me, by this your casuallhappening hither, if you can like the motion so well as shee that makesit, my deceased Lord and husband living so perfectly in your person;this house, and all mine, is yours; and of a widow I will become yourwife, except (unmanly) you denie me. _Rinaldo_ hearing these words,and proceeding from a Lady of such absolute perfections, presumingupon so proud an offer, and condemning himselfe of folly if he shouldrefuse it, thus replied. Madam, considering that I stand bound for everhereafter, to confesse that you are the gracious preserver of my life,and I no way able to returne requitall; if you please so to shadowmine insufficiency, and to accept me and my fairest fortunes to doe youservice: let me die before a thought of deniall, or any way to yeeldyou the least discontentment.
Here wanted but a Priest to joyne their hands, as mutuall affectionalready had done their hearts, which being sealed with infinite kisses;the Chamber-maide called up Friar _Roger_ her Confessor, and weddingand bedding were both effected before the bright morning. In briefe,the Marquesse having heard of the marriage, did not mislike it, butconfirmed it by great and honourable gifts; and having sent for hisdishonest servant, he dispatched him (after sound reprehension) to_Ferrara_, with Letters to _Rinaldoes_ Father and friends, of all theaccidents that had befalne him. Moreover, the very same morning, thethree theeves, that had robbed, and so ill entreated _Rinaldo_, foranother facte by them the same night committed; were taken, and broughtto the Towne of _Chasteau Guillaume_, where they were hanged for theiroffences, and _Rinaldo_ with his wife rode to _Ferrara_.